Two men have been charged with conspiring to defraud a parcel of land worth Sh 10 million in Konza.
Alex Mutuku Mbelenzi and Francis Kithusi Matheka are accused of conspiring with intent to defraud Morris Ndambuki Kitivo land parcel Konza North/ Konza North Block 2 (Malili)/926, by falsely pretending that they were the genuine owners of the said parcel to an extent of selling plots from the said parcel of land to Peter Wamwara Githiga and John Njoroge Njihia (Deceased).
The two are alleged to have committed the offense on unknown date and place within the Republic of Kenya, jointly with others not before court.
Mbelezi and Matheka are also charged with obtaining money from the two victims by false pretenses.
According to the charge sheet, the duo obtained Sh 450,000 from Gihiga by falsely pretending that they were in a position to sell to him land parcel reference Malili Konza Block LR .No. 129 – plots number 33 and 32 within parcel Konza North/Konza North Block 2 (Malili)/926, the property of Kitivo
It is alleged that this offense was committed on diverse dates between 7th August 2012 and 5th July 2013 in Nairobi jointly with others not before court.
In addition, the two are charged with obtaining Sh 380,000 from Njihia by pretending they could sell to him a plot of land from Kitivo’s parcel
The accused persons allegedly committed this offense on diverse dates between 4th July 2012 and 28th August 2018 in Nairobi with intent to defraud.