The criminal case against Embakasi East Parliamentary aspirant Stephen Maina Waruinge has failed to kick off after the prosecution told the court that the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) intends to prefer more charges against him.
The aspirant was arraigned in court in May this year and charged with threatening to kill his fellow contestant Francis Mureithi Wambugu on April 19th 2017.
The accused is said to have committed the offence at Lacaste Club in Mihango Area Embakasi East, jointly with others not before court.
Waruinge is alleged to have uttered the words…. “hata Mugabe Were alishinda hii kiti lakini hakukalia….” (Even Mugabe Were won this seat but never occupied it) without lawful excuse, words which were meant to threaten to kill Wambugu.
He denied the charge before Chief Magistrate Francis Andayi and was released on a bond of Sh 500,000 and two sureties or a cash bail of Sh 500,000.
Intimidation from the office of the DP
Waruinge’s lawyer Kibe Mungai earlier told the court that the accused was brought before court on account of political intimidation.
The lawyer added that after the accused lost unfairly, according to him, he went ahead to vie as an independent candidate and since then. he has been subjected to a combination of offers that he will be given another job if he withdraws from contesting.
“My client is being coerced by the complainant and persons from the office of the Deputy President the Ministry of lands that support the complainant in the case and was told that he would not be a candidate,” Mungai told the court.
Mungai further added that the prosecution objected to his release on bail so that he does not present his papers to the returning officer which showed that the charge is meant to secure an improper motive.
“The accused, complainant and the officials trying to coerce him are subject to the electoral code of conduct set in the 2nd schedule of the elections Act,” Mungai told the court.