Four Police officers, two civilians suspected to stealing money from a car to remain in custody until Monday


Four police officers and two civilians suspected of stealing from a parked vehicle will remain in custody through the weekend as they wait for the court to rule on an application to have them detained for two weeks.

Principal Magistrate Geoffrey Onsarigo will deliver the ruling on their continued detention Monday 10th June 2024.

This is after the suspects, Sergeant Antony Ndegwa, Corporal Daniel Lekakeny Sunkuli, Police Constable Simon Macharia Maina, PC Antony Mwendwa(Ruai), Young Wakhisi and Lukas Magoiga Chacha alias Rama (civilians) were presented in court under a miscellaneous application where the police sought orders to detain them for 14 days to allow them to complete investigations.

The investigators are looking into allegations of stealing and handling stolen property.

According to an affidavit sworn by the investigating officer Inspector Dominick Omondi, Wakhisi and Chacha have been established to the main suspects involved in the theft as captured on CCTV.

The investigator told the court that he requires time to pursue other suspects who are at large and well known to them and  also assist in the recovery of the motor vehicle used in the commission of the offence.

The officers also need time to recover the remaining amount and also identify the M-Pesa shops where money was allegedly withdrawn.

Inspector Omondi told the court that on the 3rd June 2024 at around l500hrs, the complainant one Victor Peter Owino, an accountant at Rophine International school made a withdrawal of Sh 2,361,000 from Family Bank (Utawala Branch) meant to pay salaries of casual workers.

After the withdrawal, Owino allegedly procceded to the school located within Mihang’o while driving a Toyota Axio and parked outside the school compound.

“The accountant went inside the school with only Sh 161,000 leaving the rest of the money in the car which he locked safely but after going back for the remaining Sh 2.2 million, he found it missing,” the officer stated.

According to the affidavit, CCTV footage at the school showed a Saloon car reg. no. KCR 595D, silver in colour with three occupants who were seen alighting and gaining entry into the complainant’s car and walking away with a brown envelope believed to be containing the money.

The arrest

The suspects were arrested on 6th June 2024 at Kasarani Police Station public parking lot by DCI officers.

Upon search, the DCI officers recovered Sh 64,000 from Sergeant Ndegwa, Sh 5,000 from Corporal Sunkuli and Sh 49,000 from PC Maina.

The court further heard that a total of Sh 350,000 was recoverd from Wakhisi.

It was the investigators submission that the officers are likely to interfere with investigations and witnesses.

The court directed that the police officers be detained at Kayole Police Station while civilians cool it off at Ruai Police Station until Monday.