Judy Thuo wants Sh.28 million graft case against her stopped, says EACC did not...

The widow of former Juja MP George Thuo has moved to court seeking to have the Kenya Pipeline Company graft case against her dismissed. Judy Wamaitha Thuo and former Kenya Pipeline Director Charles Tanui want...
Central Bank of Kenya

CBK security guard charged with stealing 1M from underground vault.

A Central Bank of Kenya security guard has been charged with stealing Sh1 million from his employer. Stanley Musonye is said to have stashed the bank-notes in his jacket from an underground vault at the...
Peter Anyule Imwatok

Makongeni MCA charged with being in possession of a gun without a license.

Makongeni member of county assembly has been charged with being in possession of a firearm and ammunition without a certificate. Peter Anyule Imwatok was charged being in possession of a CESKA pistol on 10th September...

Presidential aspirant Ekuru Aukot files his petition at the High Court

Third way alliance party Kenya has moved to court seeking an order for IEBC to be compelled to gazette afresh notice of fresh presidential elections so as to include his name as a duly...

Kenya Police savings and credit sacco employee charges with stealing 1.5m

An employee of Kenya police savings and credit cooperative society limited has been charged in a Nairobi court with stealing sh 1.5 million. Lucas Oddiaga Ouma who is employed as an investment officer is alleged...

Man charged with obtaining 1.2m to pay tax for sh28 million he ‘won’ from...

Several Kenyans are now fighting a court battle with a man who has falsely obtained more than sh 1.2 million from them by pretending that the money was to pay the tax of sh...