warrants of arrest against blogger Cyprian Nyakundi for failing to appear in court for...

Blogger Cyprian Nyakundi is in more trouble with the law after a Nairobi court issued a warrant of arrest against him for failing to appear in court for sentencing and for repeatedly defaming Safaricom boss Bob Collymore on...

high court quashes decision by Wario to disband National Olympics Committee of Kenya

The High Court has reinstated the National Olympics Committee of Kenya (NOCK) after quashing the decision by the Cabinet Secretary for Sports, Arts and Culture Hassan Wario to disband it. While delivering his ruling, Justice...

Arrest Ndegwa Muhoro, court orders Boinnet

The High court has ordered the Inspector General Joseph Boinett to arrest the Director of Criminal Investigations Ndegwa Muhoro for failing to bring to book two police officers accused murdering a businessman two years...

Rwandese wanted for genocide to be detained for five days

A 65 year old Rwandese citizen who is wanted in Rwanda to answer to genocide, incitement to commit genocide and crimes against humanity will remain in police custody for five days pending determination of...

EX IEBC chief electoral officer James Oswango and two other charged

EX IEBC chief electoral officer James Oswango has been arraigned in court and charged with failing to comply with procurement law and receiving money in order to induce IEBC to award a contract for...
sinai slum fire tragedy

Sinai slum fire tragedy survivors denied 25 billion shillings compensation that they were seeking.

It was a heavy blow for the Sinai slum fire tragedy survivors after High court declined to award them the 25 billion shillings compensation that they are seeking While delivering his ruling, Justice Edward Murithi...