Police are investigating lawyer P.K Omwenga for allegedly forging judicial documents purporting them to be genuine law suits against China Road and Bridge Corporation by their employers.
Perister Kwamboka Omwenga of P.K Omwenga & Associates is accused of filing civil case No. 881/2018 at Mavoko Law Courts where Ketei Peter is the purported plaintiff seeking compensation after getting injured while at work on 6th August 2014.
On 9th August 2018, court summons were served to CRBC after which Veronica Ouko of human resource at the Embulbul base contacted Ketei who is employed by the corporation as a welder to know more about the matter.
However the welder said he knew nothing about the case and the matter was reported to the police for investigations.
So far the police have have established that the stamp pad and stamp impression that was used to commission the documents that were filed at Mavoko Law Courts in the name of John M. Kimathi, Commissioner for oaths were not commissioned by him.
Investigations have further revealed that there are other cases filed at Milimani, Mavoko and Ngong Law Courts against the Chinese Corporation by the same advocate using the same stamp.
It is alleged that after searching her office, over 200 client files, CPUs and other items relevnt to yhe case were confiscated.
The police were therefore seeking to detain her Omwenga for ten working days in order to go through the evidence and complete investigations.
However, Senior Resident Magistrate Helen Onkwani released her on a Sh 250,000 bail pending completion of investigations.
The police intend to charge Omwenga with forgery, making a document without authority and forging a stamp.