Sh 300M gold fraud trial halted after state failed to supply documents in time


Pre-trial of the Sh 300 million gold fraud case against controversial businessman Jared Otieno and 15 others set for today has been adjourned until 25th September.

This is after the state supplied the defense lawyers with the documents and statements they intend to use this morning, almost three months since the accused persons were charged.

Trial magistrate Francis Andayi adjourned the matter saying that the accused persons’ advocates will still ask for time to prepare since they had been supplied with the documents late.

The DCI only supplied the defense lawyers with the documents but did not give copies to the accused persons.

The court heard that the state did not have the funds to supply the accused persons with the documents.

This prompted the accused persons to inform the court they would incur the cost for the supply or issue rims to print the documents.

The magistrate also allowed an application by Otieno to have his two cars released by the DCI if they do not form part of the exhibits.

One of the investigating officers, Yvonne Onyango confirmed to the court that the vehicles were being held by the DCI and did object the release of the same to the accused person.

The officer told the court that they do not intend to use the two vehicles as exhibits in the matter adding that the vehicles were only used as bait to get Otieno.

The prosecution confirmed that the vehicles are listed as exhibits.
The hearing date was also pushed to mid November.

In the case, Otieno is charged alongside alongside Philip Nahashon Aroko, Robert Ouko Owiti, Ricky Thomas Ochieng, Peter Omondi Onyach, Michael Ochieng, Paul Otieno Ngoche, Alice Nzisa, Joyce Akinyi Ouma, Juliet Kathambi Kithinji, William Otieno Onyango, Hanington Modisa Lugaye, Madan Olwangu Onyino, Seinim Boukar, Abouna Temoua and Lokole Lokunda Albert.

The 16 are accused of conspiracy to defraud Sounthorn Chanthavong, a director of Simuong Group Company from LAO USD 3,000,000 by means of fraudulent tricks and displayed heavy metal boxes allegedly packed with genuine gold bars and having an office trading in the name on NIRONE SAFE KEEPING LIMITED, falsely pretending they were carrying out genuine gold business.