Traveling agency director, agent charged with defrauding Congo football club Sh 14 million

Abdikhani Ibrahim Ali before a Nairobi court where he pleaded not guilty to fraud charges

A director and agent of a travelling agency have been charged with obtaining over Sh 14 million to facilitate travel for a Congo football club.

Abdikhani Ibrahim Ali, Najma Chaudhry of Ecobeast Travel and Safaris limited are accused of obtaining USD132,440 (approx. Sh 14 million) from T.P Mazembe of Republic of Congo by falsely pretending they were in a position to charter an aircraft belonging to Jetway Airline to ferry T.P Mazembe players from Lubumbashi to Algiers on 31st  March 2021, a fact they knew was false.

Ali’s co-accused Najma Chaudhry

The two are also accused that between 26th March and 4th April 2020 in Nairobi, with intent to defraud, the two jointly conspired together to defraud T. P Mazembe of Republic of Congo Sh 14 million being payment to charter the said players from Lubumbashi to Algiers on 31st March 2020.

The two denied the charges before Chief Magistrate Francis Andayi and were granted a bond of Sh 1 million with alternative cash bail of Sh 500,000.