Tribunal suspends ANC decision to suspend Osotsi


Political Parties Tribunal has suspended the decision by Amani National Congress (ANC) political party expelling Godfrey Osotsi from the Party.

Otsosi the party’s former SG, through his lawyer Jackson Awele Osotsi argued that he is aggrieved by the said decision and sought to set the same aside.

ANC, throught its acting Secretary General, wrote various letters dated 19th March 2019 to inter-alia the Complainant, the media, the Registrar of Political Parties and the speaker of the National Assembly to the effect that the disciplinary committee and the National Executive Committee of the party decided that Osotsi be expelled from the party membership.

In his letter to the Registrar of Political parties Muluka further requested the Registrar to ‘strike the Complainant’s name from the register of the ANC Party but the Registrar declined to heed for the reasons that the office of the Registrar required a consultative meeting with the party with the aim of seeking clarification on the Internal Dispute Resolution and Disciplinary procedures undertaken and the relevant provisions of the ANC party Constitution to ensure compliance with the Political Parties Act, 2011.

In response to Osotsi’s advocates letter it was discovered that the Registrar accorded the party was accorded an opportunity to Justify its decision to expel the complainant without his knowledge.

Awele argued that the expulsion decision was unprocedurally and/or irregularly made as his client was not accorded a fair opportunity to be heard prior to the making of the said decision.