Kamenu MCA and another charged over publication of false information


The Member of County Assembly for Kamenu Ward has been charged with conspiracy to publish false information in regards to Kiganjo Location Ranching Company Ltd land.

Peter Mburu Mungai and Patrick Nga’nga Mungai are accused of conspiring to Publish false information that land parcel No.THIKA MUNICIPALITY BLOCK 30/1825 in Kiganjo within Kamenu Ward was a County Government land, knowingly or ought to have known that the parcel of land belonged to the Ranching Co. and it had been handed over to the National Government for construction Kiganjo/Kimuchu Modern Market.

Mungai is also facing a solo charge of publishing false information in a whatsapp group named NGOLIBA WARD LATEST knowingly or ought to have known that such publication was false.

The content of the publication read….”As long as Mhesh Peter Mburu is the area MCA for Kamenu Ward..Na Gavan Wamatangi ndie Gavana wa Kiambu County. Hakuna Shamba la umma litaporwa…hapa Kamenu ward.if you thínk you can. wewe jaribu…”

In addition, Munga is accused publishing more false information on a WhatsApp group to wit, ….”Hakuna uporajiwa Shamba la kanunti utafanyika hapa kamenu Ward Super Mca na Gavana Watangi.Hili ni shamba la Kaunti that is meant fr the resident of Kiganjo….” knowingly or ought to have known that such publication was false and likely to incite persons to violence.

It is alleged that the accused persons committed the offense between the 16th and 17th May 2024, jointly with others not before court.

The MCA and his co-conspirator denied the charges before Senior Principal Magistrate Ben Mark Ekhubi.

They were released on a cash bail of Sh 250,000 each. The matter will be mentioned on 17th June 2024 for pre-trial.