Nairobi City County Governor Mike Sonko has revealed that he is HIV negative contrary to a story run by the Star Newspaper.
Sonko attached his two results one dated 16th September 2011 from the Nairobi Hospital and the other one dated 15th March 2019 from the Nairobi West Hospital to his court documents where he is suing James Mbaka and the Radio Africa Group over a story they published on 7th June 2019.
The story titled “How HIV report helped Sonko out of Kamiti Maximum Prison” is termed by the Governor as false and misleading.
According to the publication, Sonko was released from prison three months before completing his one-year jail term because he was HIV positive.
It further read that the County Boss had escaped from Shimo la Tewa prison back in 1998 but was rearrested in 1999.
Through lawyer Cecil Miller, the governor says the story meant and was understood to mean that he is of questionable moral character and should be shunned and avoided by the right thinking members of the society.
He adds that it portrays him as a fugitive having escaped from lawful custody hence not fit to be a leader holding public office and in particular the Couty of Nairobi.
Sonko argues that the paper never bothered to verify the information from the persons concerned before publishing it thereby exposing him to embarrassment and public ridicule.
He terms Mbaka and the company as busybodies motivated by cheap publicity and propaganda, personal prejudice and bias, misplaced vengeance and personal vendetta and unbridled greed to sell themselves which cannot their attempts to practice competitive journalism and become decently recognizable without sensationalism, gutter journalism and habitual vulgarism of the worst kind.