Four Police officers, two civilians suspected to stealing money from a car to remain...

Four police officers and two civilians suspected of stealing from a parked vehicle will remain in custody through the weekend as they wait for the court to rule on an application to have them...

Court acquits Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi in fake academic papers case

A Nairobi anti-corruption court has acquitted Kapseret Member of Parliament Oscar Sudi in his fake academic certificates case. While acquitting the MP, Chief Magistrate Felix Kombo found that Sudi had no case to answer and...

MP Babu Owino, six others free after DPP withdraws charges in unlawful demos case

Embakasi East  Member of Parliament Paul Ongili alias Babu Owino is a free man after the court allowed the Director of Public Prosecution to withdraw charges against him and six others unlawful demonstrations case. Trial...

Woman charged with Sh 12M fraud obtained for import second-hand clothes from China

A woman has been charged with obtaining over Sh 12 Million from a businesswoman to import second-hand clothes from China. Mary Wangui Gichuhi is accused of obtaining Sh 12.4 million from Ann Piera Wanja Ireri...

Kamenu MCA and another charged over publication of false information

The Member of County Assembly for Kamenu Ward has been charged with conspiracy to publish false information in regards to Kiganjo Location Ranching Company Ltd land. Peter Mburu Mungai and Patrick Nga'nga Mungai are accused...

Varsity student accused of assaulting a traffic cop along Kamiti Rd charged

A first year student who allegedly assaulted a police officer during a traffic stop in Mirema, Kamiti Road has been charged with robbery with violence. Ian Ngige Njoroge, 19, is accused of robbing No. 67839...